January 2014

First public project workshop

On January, 15th 2014 the first public project workshop of the CLEAN-ROADS project is going to take place. It will be held in Trento, at the central premises of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Coordinating Beneficiary of the project. This initiative is primarily destined to public administrations, companies, associations and more in general to all those organizations which have some interests in the field of the winter road maintenance.

The workshop will be the occasion to present the details of the different actions of the project, and to enter into the details of the actual methodologies which are in use for the management of the roads during the winter season, of the several impacts caused by salt treatment operations, and of the technologies and models which are at the base of the modern Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS).

The participation to the workshop is free of charge. More information about the program and other details concerning the registration to the event are available in the official invitation. The language of the workshop is Italian.