February 2015
Second Workshop of the CLEAN-ROADS project
The presentations discussed during the workshop are available at the following links:
- CLEAN-ROADS: presentazione del progetto, Ilaria Pretto, project manager CLEAN-ROADS project - Road Management Service Autonomous Province of Trento (slide)
- Road ice prediction and measurement in the 21st Century, Lee Chapman, University of Birmingham (slide).
Dr Lee Chapman is a multi-disciplinary researcher working at the interface of climatology and engineering investigating the impact of weather and climate on the built environment. In particular, he is interested in the role of the emerging internet of things to provide ‘climate smart' infrastructure solutions. Since 2002, he has managed to sustain a personal research income totalling in excess of £2 million from a diverse range of funding bodies. Dr Chapman has over 60 refereed journal articles published or in press in international peer-reviewed journals and is currently the President of the Standing International Road Weather Commission
- How to make best use of non-perfect weather forecasts, Andres Persson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (slide)
Meteorologist at the European Centre (ECMWF), the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Insitute and the Meteorological Office 1968-2009. Experience in operational forecasting at air ports, daily forecast and medium range forecasts. Also teacher at these institutes, during the last 5-10 years in matters connected to probabilities and risks. During 2003-06 and 2012 teacher at the regular winter schools in Trento.
- Decidere sulla base dei sistemi di supporto alle decisioni, Alberto Colorni Vitale, Politecnico di Milano (slide)
Prof. Colorni Vitale is a full professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan. He has taught in all different university sectors (engineering, architecture, design) and levels (degree, bachelor degree, PhD), in 5 of its 7 headquarters. He has been president of the centre METID (http://www.metid.polimi.it) and for eight years a delegate of the dean in the field of e-learning and educational innovation. At present he is president and scientific director of the consortium Poliedra (http://www.poliedra.polimi.it/) and vicarial director of the Department Design. He has been a consultant or a member of various public bodies commissions, in particular: MPI-MIUR, Ministry of Labour, Lombardia Region, CNIPA, ISFOL. His research interests cover: combinatory optimization, enviroment, simulation and serious games, smart mobility systems (car sharing / car pooling), multimedia in education (e-learning and e-collaboration), decision support methods. He has the author of more 200 research and dissemination works.
- Qualità dell'aria e impatto delle attività di salatura stradale, Fulvio Amato, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain (slide)
He is researcher at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). He has co-authored over 50 publications between peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and books and participated in more than 40 national and international research projects on atmospheric pollution. He has specialized at the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Sciences (USA, 2008) and at TNO, Dutch Organization for Applied Research (The Netherlands, 2011-2013). His research focuses on atmospheric pollution, with special interest on urban air quality and road transport emissions. Dr. Amato has served as national and international advisor for environmental agencies, scientific committees, and public authorities. He is member of expert groups for EC, UNECE GRPE and US EPA.
- Applicazione pratica di un sistema di winter maintenance avanzato, Fabrizio Dominici, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (slide)
Fabrizio Dominici is a telecommunications engineer, graduated at the Polytechnic of Turin in 2005. At present he is responsible of the research area Mobile Solutions of Istituo Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), in which he is leading the Microsoft Innovation Center as well. This research area is made up of a team of about 20 researchers and works in the field of mobile solutions and in the new emerging paradigms of data management with the objective to foster products and process innovation through end-to-end solutions. Research activities cover mostly the research and development of mobile and embedded applications connected to back-end cloud systems aiming at providing added value services by means of a smart management of the available data. He his author of several scientific publications and coordinator of several regional and European projects. At present he is leading a FP7 project in the space field and a feasibility study funded by ESA on the winter maintenance called "ASSIST" (http://artes-apps.esa.int/projects/assist-fs).