May 2016
Project follow-up
Partners involved in the project have agreed with the European Comission to continue the pilot activities for other three years (winter seasons 2016-2017, 2017-2018 e 2018-2019) in order to:
confirm the savings’ estimates made in the previous two winter seasons;
insert in the maintenance procedures the Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS) implemented in CLEAN-ROADS;
test on other pilot road stretches some of the solutions developed in CLEAN-ROADS (e.g. usage of pre-wetted salt in order to improve the promptness and reduce the number of the necessary maintenance activities);
continue the cooperation with the meteorological forecasters, at least for the critical weather events;
continue the training activities destined to road operators (in particular as far as the new personnel is concerned, who will replace retired employees);
define in detail the possible extension of the methodology adopted in CLEAN-ROADS on other parts of the road network, with the localization of new road weather stations.